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Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Kamala Markandaya Biography | Author of Nectar in a SieveExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree

Born : 1924, Chimakurti, India
Died : 16, May 2004, London

Kamala Markandaya, She was an alias used by Kamala Purnaiya Taylor, an Indian writer and writer. A citizen of Mysore, India, Markandaya was a graduate of Madras University, and afterwards published numerous small stories in Indian reporters. After India confirmed its sovereignty, Markandaya moved to Britain, though she still labeled herself an Indian émigré extensive afterwards. Recognized for script regarding civilization conflict between Indian urban and rural societies, Markandaya’s primary published narrative, Nectar in a Sieve, was a bestseller and cited as an American Library Association famous Book in 1955. Other novels comprise Some Inner Fury (1955), A Silence of Desire (1960), Possession (1963), A Handful of Rice (1966), The Nowhere Man (1972), Two Virgins (1973), The Golden Honeycomb (1977), and Pleasure City (1982/1983).

Kamala Markandaya belonged to that original collection of Indian women writers who completed their mark not just through their topic material, but also during their fluid, refined fictional method. “Nectar in a Sieve” was her primary published work, and its depiction of rural India and the distress of farmers completed it well-liked in the West. This was followed by other literature that dramatized the Quit India society in 1942, the conflict between East and West and the disaster that resulted from it, or the harms face normal middle-class Indians—making a livelihood, verdict internal quiet, coping with present technology and its effect on the deprived.

As a writer Kamala Markandaya is popular for her following wroks -
1. A Handful of Rice (1966)
2. The Coffer Dams (1969)
3. The Nowhere Man (1972)
4. Two Virgins (1973)
5. The Golden Honeycomb (1977)
6. Pleasure City (1982)
7. A Silence of Desire (1960)

Kamala Markandaya Biography | Author of Nectar in a SieveExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sigit Dolland

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