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Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

General Knowledge Quiz for All Competitive Exams 2014ExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree

1. The Government of India Act, 1919 was known as–
(A) Morley-Minto Reforms
(B) Wavell Reforms
(C) Ment-Ford Reforms (D) Mountbatten Reforms
See Answer:

2. January 26 was selected as the date for the commencement of the Constitution because–
(A) the congress had observed it as the Independence Day in 1930
(B) On that day the Quit India movement was started in 1942
(C) it was considered to be an auspicious day
(D) None of the above
See Answer:

3. Of the Councils Act of 1909, the Legislative Council Members at the centre were–
(A) officials 37, non-officials 32
(B) officials 38, non-officials 31
(C) officials 39, non-officials 30
(D) officials 36, non-officials 33
See Answer:

4. Which one of the following statements most appropriately describes the nature of the Green Revolution?
(A) Intensive cultivation of crops (B) Seed- fertilizer-water technology
(C) Intensive agriculture district programme (D) High-yielding varieties programme
See Answer:

5. The apex organization of industrial finance in India is–
See Answer:

6. Among the following which planet takes maximum time for one revolution around the Sun?
(A) Earth (B) Jupiter
(C) Mars (D) Venus
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7. Bolivar is the monetary unit of–
(A) Venezuela (B) Brazil
(C) Bolivia (D) Belarus
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8. Who among the following was impeached in England for his actions in India?
(A) Lord Wavell (B) Warren Hastings
(C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Cornwallis
See Answer:

9. Which one among the following States was first annexed by Lord Dalhousie under the Doctrine of Lapse?
(A) Nagpur (B) Jhansi
(C) Sambalpur (D) Satara
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10. GSAT-12 launched by PSLV-C17 from Sriharikota is a….. satellite–
(A) Nano (B) Meterological
(C) Pico (D) Communication
See Answer:

11. A novel and remarkable feature of the- Civil Disobedience Movement was the wide spread participation of–
(A) Peasants (B) Students
(C) Women
(D) Industrialists and merchants
See Answer:

12. Gandhi's concept of Dharma Raj was–
(A) where everybody performs his duties
(B) where every religion had equal opportunities and freedom
(C) Both 'a' and 'b'
(D) state systems based on universal morality
See Answer:

13. Which one among the following states is smallest in area?
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Gujarat
(C) Karnataka (D) Tamil Nadu
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14. If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?
(A) Viscosity (B) Pressure
(C) Archimede's upward thrust (D) Surface tension
See Answer:

15. Which one of the following is an element?
(A) Topaz (B) Diamond
(C) Ruby (D) Sapphire
See Answer:

16. The rusting of iron nail–
(A) decreases it weight (B) increases its weight
(C) does not affect weight but iron is oxidised (D) does not affect weight but iron is reduced
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17. The Objectives Resolution, which outlined the philosophy of the Indian Constitution, was moved in the Constituent Assembly by–
(A) Dr S Radhakrishnan (B) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(C) Jawaharlal Nehru (D) B R Ambedkar
See Answer:

18. Despite being a Republican State, India is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations whose head is the British Monarch. This is because–
(A) this membership does not affect the sovereign nature of the Indian Republic
(B) this membership only shows that the British ruled over India
(C) members of the association are sovereign and independent
(D) it is a symbol of the unity among the members of the association
See Answer:

19. The impeachment of the President of India can be initiated in–
(A) either House of the Parliament
(B) a joint siting of both Houses of the Parliament
(C) the Lok Sabha alone
(D) the Rajya Sabha alone
See Answer:

20. Which one of the following is the correct decreasing sequence in terms of the value (in rupees) of the minerals produced in India in the year 2002-03?
(A) Metallic minerals-Fuel minerals-non- metallic minerals
(B) Fuel minerals-non-metallic minerals- non-metallic minerals
(C) Metallic minerals-non-metallic minerals Fuel minerals
(D) Fuel minerals-non-metallic minerals- Metallic minerals
See Answer:

21. In India, The Black Revolution is associated with self dependence in the production of–
(A) mustard seeds (B) crude petroleum
(C) black box (D) None of these
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22. Which one of the following countries is not a UN member country?
(A) Greece (B) Taiwan
(C) Portugal (D) Australia
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23. The island of Honshu is located in which one of the following countries?
(A) Indonesia (B) Malaysia
(C) Japan (D) South Korea
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24. The Sarabandi (no tax) Campaign of 1922 was led by–
(A) Bhagat Singh (B) Chittaranjan Das
(C) Rajaguru (D) Vallabhbhai Patel
See Answer:

25. Which one of the following Ashrams was not set up by Gandhi?
(A) Phoenix Ashram (B) Tolstoy Farm
(C) Sevagram (D) Gandhi Ashram
See Answer:

General Knowledge Quiz for All Competitive Exams 2014ExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sigit Dolland

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