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Senin, 13 Januari 2014

General Awareness Questions for Competitive Exams 2014ExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree

1. Which of the following was not one of the reasons why the railways constituted an economic drain on India?
(A) Interest on foreign investments was remitted outside of India
(B) The stock was purchased in England
(C) They were financially losing concerns
(D) Excessive salaries were paid to the
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2. Which one of the following countries is not a member of the SAARC?
(A) Bangladesh (B) Maldives
(C) Bhutan (D) Myanmar
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3. After 1858, when India came under the British Crown, the Drain of Wealth from India increased and India's burden of British debt increased because–
(A) the cost of maintaining British civil and military administrative set-up in India had increased
(B) more remittances had to be made on account of the British capital investment in India
(C) the home charges had greatly increased
(D) All of the above
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4. Commercialization of agriculture led to further growth of rural poverty because the peasant–
(A) got unremunerative prices for his produce
(B) was exploited by the merchants and other middlemen
(C) had to accept fixed prices for his produce
(D) was left with no money to buy food grains during famines and other natural calamities
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5. Which one of the following rivers has its source outside the Indian territory?
(A) Jhelum (B) Beas
(C) Chenab (D) Sutlej
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6. The approximate time for the fertilization in pinus after ovulation is–
(A) a few hours (B) a few weeks
(C) a few days (D) about a year
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7. The technique used for the sepration of DNA fragments is–
(A) Northern blotting (B) Southern blotting
(C) Western blotting (D) None of these
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8. Which one among the following is the plant having dominant gametophytic generation?
(A) Angiosperm (B) Gymnosperm
(C) Pteridophyte (D) Bryophyte
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9. Recently Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the linking of two rivers as a link project. Which are these two rivers?
(A) Betwa and Chambal (B) Betwa and Ken
(C) Chambal and Son (D) Ken and Narmada
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10. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India says that the executive power of every State shall be so exercised as not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power of the Union?
(A) Article 257 (B) Article 258
(C) Article 355 (D) Article 356
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11. Which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides that 'It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance'?
(A) Article 215 (B) Article 275
(C) Article 325 (D) Article 355
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12. The most important competition to the Indian jute industry is–
(A) China (B) Bangladesh
(C) Nepal (D) Japan
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13. To which sector is maximum weightage assigned in the index of industrial production?
(A) Manufacturing (B) Mining and Quarrying
(C) Electricity (D) All are equal
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14. Lack of atmosphere around the Moon is due to–
(A) low escape velocity of air molecule and low gravitational attraction
(B) high escape velocity of air molecule and low gravitational attraction
(C) low gravitational attraction only
(D) high escape velocity of air molecule only
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15. Which one among the following statements is correct with regard to the C-SM Super Galaxy?
(A) It is a large military helicopter (B) It is a large military transport aircraft
(C) It is a galaxy of stars very close to the Sun (D) It is a US fighter aircraft to be completed in 2014
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16. Which of the following statements on Gandhian movements is not correct?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of mass movement
(B) Gandhian movements were non-violent in nature
(C) In Gandhian movements, leadership had no role
(D) Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of passive resistance
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17. In which of the following group of provinces were the Congress Ministries not formed after the elections in 1937?
(A) Central Provinces, Bihar and NWFP (B) Punjab, Sind and Bengal
(C) Bombay, Madras and Orissa (D) Bihar, United Provinces and Assam
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18. Which one of the following countries is not a founder member of OPEC?
(A) Algeria (B) Kuwait
(C) Iraq (D) Iran
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19. Which of the following was not set up by Gandhi in South Africa?
(A) A Newspaper called the "Indian Opinion" (B) The Natal Indian Congress
(C) The Phoenix Ashram (D) The Indian League
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20. The radical wing of the Congress Party with Jawaharlal Nehru as one of its main leaders, founded the 'independence for India League' in opposition to–
(A) the Gandhi -Irwin Pact (B) the Home Rule Movement
(C) Nehru Report (D) the Mont-ford Reforms
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21. Mangrove vegetation in India is most extensively found in–
(A) Malabar Coast (B) Sunderbans
(C) Both 'a' and 'b' (D) The Rann of Kachchh
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22. Earliest fossil form in the phylogeny of horse is–
(A) mesohippus (B) orohippus
(C) eohippus (D) merychippus
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23. The reappearance of those ancestral characteristics in an organism, which do not occur normally is termed as–
(A) epistasis (B) mimicry
(C) atavism (D) segregation
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24. What is the purpose of the "Restiction enzymes" used in the Genetic engineering?
(A) Restricts the protein synthesis in cells (B) Cut DNA at specific base sequence
(C) Degrade harmful proteins (D) Join different DNA fragments
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25. The Parliament can make any law for the whole or any part of India for implementing international treaties–
(A) with the consent of all the States (B) with the consent of the majority of the States
(C) with the consent of, the States concerned (D) without the consent of any States
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General Awareness Questions for Competitive Exams 2014ExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sigit Dolland

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