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Senin, 18 Juli 2016

100+ Important One Word Substitution List for SSC CGL, IBPS, Bank, IASExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree

One Word Substitution
100+ Important one word substitution for SSC CGL, IBPS, Bank PO, Clerk, UPSC, IAS, MBA, IT officer, LIC and other competitive exams.

1. One who doubts the existence of god – Agnostic
2. One who is out to subvert a government – Anarchist
3. A book written by an unknown author – Anonymous
4. A study of man – Anthropology
5. A sentence whose meaning is unclear – Ambiguous'
6. A study of ancient things – Archaeology
7. A Government by the Nobles – Aristocracy
8. A life history written by oneself – Autobiography
9. A Government by one – Autocracy
10. One who is greedy for money – Avaricious
11. One who loves books – Bibliophile
12. Practice of having two wives or husbands – Bigamy
13. One who can speak two languages – Bilingual
14. A life history written by somebody else – Biography
15. A Government by the officials – Bureaucracy
16. A flesh eating animal – Carnivorous
17. One who is unmarried – Celibate
18. People who work together – Colleagues
19. People living at the same time – Contemporaries
20. One who is recovering from illness – Convalescent
21. One who questions everything – Cynic
22. To transfer one's authority to another – Delegate
23. A Government by the people – Democracy
24. A game in which no one wins – Draw
25. One who has strange habits – Eccentric
26. One who is quite like a woman – Effeminate
27. One who thinks only of himself – Egoist
28. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures – Epicure
29. Words written on the tomb of a person – Epitaph
30. A study of races – Ethnology
31. A study of derivation of words – Etymology
32. To free somebody from all blame – Exonerate
33. One who believes in fate – Fatalist
34. One who thinks only of welfare of women – Feminist
35. Murder of brother – Fratricide
36. One who eats too much – Glutton
37. One who is easily deceived – Gullible
38. A grass eating animal – Herbivorous
39. Murder of a human being – Homicide
40. A position for which no salary is paid – Honorary
41. One who pretends to be what he is not – Hypocrite
42. A person's peculiar habit – Idiosyncrasy
43. That which is against law – Illegal
44. A handwriting that cannot be read – Illegible
45. One who doesn't know how to read and write – Illiterate
46. One who lives in a foreign country – Immigrant
47. That which is not likely to happen – Improbable
48. One incapable of being tired – Indefatigable
49. That which cannot be defended – Indefensible
50. That which cannot be described – Indescribable
51. That which cannot be avoided – Inevitable
52. One who does not make mistakes – Infallible
53. Murder of an infant – Infanticide
54. That which cannot be imitated – Inimitable
55. That which cannot be satisfied – Insatiable
56. One who dies without a Will – Intestate
57. That which is lawful – Legal
58. Murder of mother – Matricide
59. One who can do anything for money – Mercenary
60. One who hates mankind – Misanthrope
61. One who hates women – Misogynist
62. A Government by a king or queen – Monarchy
63. Rule by the mob – Mobocracy
64. Practice of having one wife or husband – Monogamy
65. One who is a newcomer – Neophyte
66. A thing no longer in use – Obsolete
67. One who is all powerful – Omnipotent
68. One who is present everywhere – Omnipresent
69. One who knows everything – Omniscient
70. A Government by the few – Oligarchy
71. That through which light cannot pass – Opaque
72. One who looks at the bright. side of things – Optimist
73. A place where orphans live – Orphanage
74. A study of birds – Ornithology
75. One who has no money – Pauper
76. One who copies from other writers – Plagiarist
77. Murder of father – Patricide
78. One who goes on foot – Pedestrian
79. One who looks at the dark side of things – Pessimist
80. One who loves mankind – Philanthropist
81. A study of the body – Physiology
82. A Government by the rich – Plutocracy
83. Practice of having several husbands – Polyandry
84. Practice of having several wives – Polygamy
85. One who knows many languages – Polyglot
86. A book published after the death of its author – Posthumas
87. An animal who preys on other animals – Predator
88. To write under a different name – Pseudonym
89. Violating the sanctity of a church – Sacrilege
90. One who helps others – Samaritan
91. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain – Stoic
92. Murder of self – Suicide
93. Murder of the king – Regicide
94. One who speaks less – Reticent
95. That through which light can pass – Transparent
96. That through which light can partly pass – Translucent
97. One who changes sides – Turncoat
98. One who always thinks himself to be ill – Valetudinarian
99. One who can throw his voice – Ventriloquist
100. One who works for free – Volunteer
101. A study of animals – Zoology

100+ Important One Word Substitution List for SSC CGL, IBPS, Bank, IASExamMaterialForFree - ExamMaterialForFree Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sigit Dolland

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